To add your teen to your auto insurance policy or not to add them? It’s a big question and it’s worth exploring your options. Typically, when looking at quotes for a newly licensed teen by themselves the rates can seem astronomical. For that reason, adding them to your car insurance policy could be in your best interest. While this will typically give your insurance a bit of a price hike, it may end up being less expensive in the long run. 


Adding a teen to your policy 

Depending on your insurance carrier and state you may be able to write a teen under the age of 18 by themselves. However, many carriers require the named insured to be at least 18 years old before they can have a policy without anyone else being listed. 

When you add your teen driver are quotes coming in too high? If so, it may be time to start shopping other carriers. Not all carriers are new driver-friendly, and some may provide better rates for teen drivers than others. Give InsuraMatch a call at 844-232-2700 to shop multiple teen-driver-friendly carriers at once to find your best rate.  


Why is it more expensive to insure a teen? 

A new driver has inherently less experience and typically needs to first prove they are a safe driver. Once there's more driving history, the rates can potentially go down over time assuming there haven't been any other changes to the policy or driving record. 

Teens or newly licensed drivers can be more likely to get into accidents or receive tickets, which can lead to higher insurance rates. With teens being more likely to drive at night or weekends which can be particularly dangerous, not using seatbelts as consistently, driving distracted, or speeding teens aren’t typically considered “safe drivers” until they have the driving history to prove it. 


What can you do to lower your insurance cost? 

When adding a new driver to your auto insurance policy, there are a few options you have to alleviate some of that price increase. Look into all available discounts your new driver may be eligible for and explore different vehicle options. 

For tips on how to lower your insurance cost when adding a new teen driver, check out our blog here: 6 Insurance Discounts for Teenage Drivers on Your Auto Policy

Ready to shop for a new policy? Give us a call at 844-232-2700